قابل توجه تولید کنندگان و صادرکنندگان محترم مواد غذائی

Fadi Wolley, Managing Director
Alex Quartey, Executive Director
+۲۳۳ ۳۰ ۲۸۱ ۹۳۵۶
Company has successfully been operating in Ghana since 1985, specializing in the import and distribution of food and non-food international brands. Over the years, Kwatsons has built a strong name in the Ghanaian market, becoming one of the key players in the distribution sector. Since then, they have served hundreds and hundreds of retail and food service customers (Hotels, Restaurants, Catering). Their products are mainly sourced from Europe (UK, France, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Poland), US, South Africa, and Lebanon.

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